domingo, julio 22

The dark Poet

(A love song)

When I look my face upon the mirror,
I cannot say who I am.

What we are? he whispers over my shoulder
but I only keep seeing my face.

When the night falls over the day,
and I take a look of my reflect into the pond,
I can see them all,
thousand of faces that I carry on.

He comes to abate my horror,
cames out from shadows
with the moonlight kissing his face,
my beloved one
could only be touched by the moon,
my slumber hands cannot.

Then he gently caresses my torn soul.

Don't go!
Don't leave me here anymore!
Please stay!
And the dark poet
just says his poisoned verses
and I fall asleep.

When I wake up,
I realize that everything was just a dream.
Days are not enough,
when I'm far from the darkness
and the danger of some words,
words of a knight of night:

the only and beloved one, whisper of my heart,

the Poet of dark

2 comentarios:

VerdeVete dijo...

esta muy chingon el poema, solo es un sueño, pero no en todos los sueños esta un caballero de noche, el poeta de la obscuridad.
no se si conoscas un poema llamada invictus, en estos momentos no recuerdo el autor pero deberias leerlo

LSz. dijo...

Alguies está abúlica, por lo visto.